Muddy Truckers Trophy March 2nd-3rd 2002

1061 views"Team Ibex", Neil Redpath (leading) and Steve Barras. This section was straight forward enough - a drive down a gulley for 50 yards then turn 90 degrees to the right up the steep side of the gulley to the punch.


422 viewsRichard Ibbotson winches his way up the side of the gulley.

161 viewsAlan Wormald on the approach to the gulley.

220 viewsDave White winches his way towards the punch.

757 viewsRoland above the lake

199 viewsKeith Hutchins in the gulley above the lake.

340 viewsNeil shows off the amazing articulation of his new Ibex.

384 viewsPaul Wilson and Chris Pedler use teamwork to work their way to the top of the hill above the quarry.

375 viewsSimon Buck and Bryn Hemmings above the lake.


467 viewsDave White finds that Range Rovers like some petrol in their tanks - Nigel Waller doesn't like sitting under water so climbs out onto the bonnet where it's dry and warm.