Muddy Truckers Trophy 5th-7th March 2004

Dave White273 viewsAfter the night stages we had to repair a puncture in the front left tyre.

Dave White208 viewsHeading into the forest. This was the route to the first camp site for Friday night.

Saturday Morning464 viewsThe view from our tents... ideal camping weather.

Matthew and Paul403 viewsThe kitchen - bacon butties and coffee all round.

Dave White169 viewsSide view of the 100 inch as we wait to get onto the second stage of the day.

Keith Hutchins324 viewsKeith and co picked the short straw with this as their first challenge, A chain saw would have been more useful than a winch.

Dave White and Matthew Sykes230 viewsThe two vehicles head into the gully at the start of stage 8 (our second stage of the day)

Dave White812 viewsPaul runs the winch rope out to the tree strop so the front of the vehicle can be winched up the bank. Tom Perrin was among those marshalling on the day and keeps an eye on proceedings.

Dave White245 viewsDave winches the front of the motor up the bank while Matthew checks the length of the punch wire.

Matthew Sykes185 viewsMatthew is next to winch his motor up to the punch.

The team get to work361 viewsHaving lost drive in the front axle we set about dismantling the 110 at a suitably dry location. The front right hand half shaft turned out to be the culprit, the same one we changed in a hotel car park in Ireland 5 months earlier.

Sunday Morning325 viewsFrom left to right: Matthew, Paul, Dave and John. It was cold, wet and miserable in Scotland on the Sunday morning but once again bacon butties and coffee were being cooked up on the back of the 110 so things were looking up !